Dr Lauren Sullivan MP
Dr Lauren Sullivan MP with Rt Hon. Keir Starmer MP - Prime Minister and Leader of the Labour Party

Labour MP for Gravesham – Dr Lauren Sullivan MP
Lauren is in the process of setting up her Parliamentary Office in the meantime to contact Lauren Sullivan MP please use the below details:
Contact Lauren by Post:
Dr Lauren Sullivan MP
House of Commons
C/O Gravesham Labour Party
24 Overcliffe
DA11 0EH
Phone: 01474 534395
Email: lauren.sullivan.mp@parliament.uk or contact@laurensullivan.org.uk
Website: www.laurensullivan.org.uk
Facebook: Lauren For Gravesham
Lauren’s Councillor Facebook Profile: Councillor Lauren Sullivan
X/Twitter: @drlsullivan
Full information about Lauren as your local Labour MP including policies and her work for Gravesham can be found at www.laurensullivan.org.uk
Please join or follow the social media sites above for up to date information on Lauren and Gravesham Labour’s work.

Lauren lives locally in Northfleet with her husband and two young children. Prior to becoming your local MP Lauren was a scientist working on neglected tropical diseases, is a published author on the subject and is also a qualified secondary school chemistry teacher.
Lauren is passionate about representing the views and issue of her fellow residents on a range of issues such as education, environment, social justice, housing, sustainable transport and public health.
Until the election Lauren was the Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure at Gravesham Borough Council and has also served as the Chair of the Planning Committee from 2019-2021 and in 2021 then was promoted to the Cabinet as the Cabinet Member for Strategic Environment serving until 2023 when after the elections was appointed to her current Cabinet role. Since the General Election in July 2024 Lauren is honoured to have been elected as your local Labour MP for Gravesham.
Until July 2024 Lauren was Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Labour Group at Kent County Council and sat on Children’s, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee, Personnel Committee and Scrutiny Committee.
Prior to the election Lauren worked part-time as a Visiting Scientist/Post-Doctoral Fellow at The Francis Crick Institute working to better understanding of the immune response to Malaria and devotes the rest of her time to her Council duties, and being a Mum.
Outside politics Lauren enjoys the great outdoors often found exploring forests and hills when on holidays along with her camera to photograph scenery and then paint them.
Lauren’s values are what are needed for every elected representative, and she feels are missing from national politics at the moment. Values such as social justice, wanting everyone to have the chance to succeed in life no matter their background, ability or need, feeling that our children should have the best start in life with an education system that is fit for purpose. Values of integrity and compassion which should be at the heart of politics ensuring that decisions are taken with the needs of the public at the centre.
Most of all Lauren feels that Gravesham has so much potential that is being held back by the Conservatives and can only be unlocked by a Labour MP and a Labour Government. Gravesham has a proud history and heritage spanning centuries that needs investment, our health service that has suffered from years of Tory neglect, with families and adults struggling with housing needs where there are too few truly affordable rents or buy options.
Lauren as a Labour MP for Gravesham with a Labour Government will be a strong voice in Westminster to call for the investment Gravesham needs to unlock its potential.